Tracy Bacon
I am both an artist and a problem solver by nature, someone who from a very early age was drawn in two different directions simultaneously: one toward the creative and artistic, and the other toward the logical and mathematical. I have always enjoyed both arenas equally, which must be the reason my career path has taken both as parallel trajectories.
I received my undergraduate degree in structural engineering from the University of Wyoming in 2000. My first job opportunity out of school was with a small engineering firm in Jackson, Wyoming, where I had the opportunity to turn my educational understanding of engineering principles into practice and explore the complexities of designing buildings with very high snow loads in an equally high seismic zone. Living in Jackson also afforded me the chance to explore the Tetons, snowboard in the backcountry, and enjoy the many outdoor opportunities that existed there for someone who was young and untethered with what in hindsight feels like an incredible amount of free time for such things!
After a few years of working in Wyoming I found myself drawn toward the architectural side of building design, not because I was interested in abandoning my engineering practice, but because I was eager to embrace the aesthetic and creative practice of architecture that felt off limits as an engineer. In 2003 I packed up my minimal belongings and my dog, and moved to Eugene, Oregon to establish residency and enroll in the University of Oregon architecture program.
I obtained my graduate degree in architecture in 2009, and my architectural license in 2018. I now have a combined twenty years of experience in structural engineering and architectural design of residential and small commercial buildings. I have also worked as a building inspector and as a plans examiner reviewing permit submittal drawings. The variety of roles I’ve had in my career gives me a unique perspective of the building design and construction processes, and has illuminated the importance of collaboration for successful projects.
Outside of my professional practice, if I’m not working in our yard or garden, or tinkering with the seemingly endless number of home remodeling projects I am drawn towards, you will likely find me outdoors someplace hiking, mountain biking, climbing, fishing, or snowboarding. Growing up in Wyoming I was always drawn to outdoor adventures: learning to climb at Vedawoo in Laramie, learning to snowboard in Jackson, backpacking in the Wind River Range, learning to fly fish with my dad. My pursuit of these adventures as a young person have never lost their appeal to me and continue to this day as staples in my life. In these pursuits, I find myself exploring wild places that add deep meaning to my life. I find solace in outdoor places; it is where I seek answers to the complex questions about life, and where I fuel my soul. I recognize that having the opportunity to enjoy these beautiful places is an incredible gift, and one that I never take for granted.