Oak Hill Drama Center
The Drama Center, (AKA McGehee West) was completed in early 2021
The Drama Center was a project long in the works with design and permitting completed in 2017 only to suffer a land-use appeal, but alas in March 2020, it was finally cleared for construction and completed toward the end of 2020.
The amphitheater is the most visually mesmerizing part of the project, and was also the most timeless feeling to construct, siting it into the hillside.
The history of its design and creation are full of nuance
This project was an extension of the 2014 McGehee Building, and it features a large drama classroom at its heart with an outside amphitheater, giving the drama program a permanent home, and helping take pressure off of the physical education space. The project was a major investment in the high school to further develop its offerings and capacity. The project also included a critical fire system improvement with a pump station to pressurize two fire hydrants on campus.
To get started we laid out and dug a hole for the foundation. Then we placed, leveled and compacted a base of rock before placing the concrete formwork.
The project involved extensive infrastructure and site integration.
A fire pump station drawing water off the pond was also a critical component of the project, leading to thousands of feet of open trenches.
Local fauna was curious about the project, stopping to investigate after hours.
Craftsmanship was practiced by all trades as a general appreciation for the project developed quickly.
The raw framing showcased a nice organization of interior volumes and exterior masses relating to the 2013 McGehee Building
The bird's-eye view reveals a quilting of roof sheathing and rhythm of rafters.
This video is the culmination of a series where we gave the school community an overview of all during a time when few could visit due to Covid 19:
Following are the remaining 3 video updates we made during the project construction to update the school community:
Sometimes a few extra hands are essential when the sheets get long:
The drone operator for the sitework contractor posted this video showing a nice overview of the building toward the end: