Bungalow Addition

This project entailed finding an elegant way to add a bedroom and full bath to the upstairs of a historic home in Portland's Sellwood neighborhood.

The new addition perched atop the back end of the house

The new dormer barely peaks out from the back here

The addition was designed in 2014, before the large building was built behind it, but the historic charm remains, and the cozy views from inside are in keeping with the historic neighborhood scale. It was a good omen when the structural engineer noted the addition would actually improve the house's character.

3D Model of house with addition

Before addition: back of house

This was my first project using 3D modeling, and I immediately found it a handy way to share insights, to advance the design, and to confirm my own assumptions. Being an attic-style addition there are many tight conditions with window and door heads, and regarding the length of the dormer, but it all fit in snugly using the existing ridge as a constraint, and it feels spacious inside too.

The new bedroom is a voluminous space, filled with light and and ample views.

NW Door and Sash built the solid wood windows, with their superb traditional joinery in douglas fir.

The bathroom is tucked into the side of the addition, but with ample room for a spacious shower, full vanity and toilet nook.

The mother's owner is a designer who enjoys the play of color, pattern, and whimsy with tile, and the bathroom gained much life from the undertaking.

The existing home was already filled with rhythm and detail to reflect upon and play with.

The updated house repeats much of the historic detail perched atop the back of the house, and this master bedroom is now one of the many desirable rooms it possesses.